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January 14, 2014

My involvement with this blog had been very sporadic since I started it in 2010. What can I say, life happens and usually that takes priority over tapping out a blog post. In the past 3 months, my family has gotten strep (that was me), stomach bugs, colds/croup and possible influenza so I have been busy doctoring, cleaning, healing and hoping that soon this sickly season will disappear forever!

The twins have really been taking the brunt of all the sickness and seem to just get over something and then move on to the next strain of whatever happens to be going around at the time. They were sick 2 times before they were a year old and neither was a time that required antibiotics…in fact they have never had any antibiotics before!  I guess they are building their immune system up, but still so hard to have two little ones not feeling good. The only person in our family who has not gotten anything at all is Hayden. He has been exposed to way more than any of us, yet remains to stay healthy. I am thankful for this, because he is a great help when I am under the weather!

I guess what I am getting at is that I fear that this blog will continue to be a sporadic, who knows when I’ll get to see it again, kind of deal…at least until life slows down anyways. So to all of those, who have stuck with me and continue to read my blog thank you, I will try to be better about giving you something to occupy your precious time 🙂 but no promises on how often this will occur!

_MG_1564FC_MG_1903_MG_1926_MG_2045“Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” – Unknown

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